Jan 10, 2011

Break out the Sled

We got some decent usage out of our new sled today.  We bundled up and headed over to a friend's house in the neighborhood and had a sleddin' good time.  Anna, not surprisingly, was not so keen on the snow getting all over her shoes and pants, but she was open to scooping, stirring, and sampling the snow up on the porch. (Memo to me: Invest in some snowboots.)

Noah, an endless source of energy lately, was all go, go, go and go again! He loved it and he was so good at sharing his sled with his friends. I headed inside way before he did (someone's got to keep the girl company in the nice warm house!) and Vivian said he was such fun to watch going at it.  She said he would've stayed out all by himself if we'd have let him.  Instead, we rounded up all the pink, chapped faces to come inside to play a bit and then we sipped hot chocolate and gobbled pigs-in-a-blanket fresh out of the oven.

There was no snowman making - but I'm guessing we'll fit that in tomorrow and the next day.  It's looking like school will be closed again.  Josh is gone to AZ this week and he is missing all the fun.  Poor Daddy.


Emily said...

snow...does not equal fun to me anymore...our schools are closed again tomorrow. BIG BUMMER! Snow snow go away, you're no fu-un anyway (and really- it's not snow down here ... it's straight ice slushy)

Emily said...

BUT I love looking at YOUR pictures of snow....and thankful it's you and not me...What a middle georgian I"ve become..give me my warm humid weather back please! lol!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

I'm so happy for you that you have fun friends to go sledding with in your neighborhood. What a blessing!

Kimberly said...

I was thanking the Lord for that this week, too. These past few months getting to know so many friends through MOPS and meetup has really made our life here start to feel more like home.