Feb 12, 2009

V-Day Couch

Josh and my first big purchase after getting married was a couch and loveseat set. That was about 6 years ago. And today we traded up for a new and improved couch. Well technically we traded up a couple weeks ago and it was DELIVERED today, but you get my point. Anyway, the new couch is ever so soft and cozy and roomy. I am too excited that it is finally here. I guess you could call it our Valentine's Day gift to each other. :) (which, before you shake your head, is not all that abnormal of a gift - I knew a couple that got an engagement couch instead of an engagement ring when they got engaged, so there)

Funny toddler sidenote: I was also excited to see Noah's reaction to the new couch when he got up from his nap. Josh told Noah we had a surprise downstairs. Noah comes down, looks at the couch, looks underneath it and back up at us in an effort to say "So where is this surprise of which you speak?" Clearly, the couch didn't do it for him. Burst my bubble a little. That kid climbs all over the couch all day long and didn't even notice the change...or didn't care. Stinker. So we "surprised" him next with the goodies he brought home from his Valentine's Day party at school. And some bubbles. That did the trick.


Emily said...

that's funny...I brought out the bubbles at Brooklyn's request today too!
And looks like a VERY nice couch...much better looking than your last one. Good job.

Emily said...

NOT that your other couch was ugly...all I meant was that...I like your new couch...better.

Heather said...

Cute couch! Looks perfect for a nice nap! Noah is just too cute!

Memaw said...

Hate to tell you but your old couch really hurt my back. Can't wait to try out the new one.